What's this site about?
This site is about sharing drum & bass, bass and beat music scene releases using the dc++ peer-2-peer technology and filesharing services. You can find fresh releases, mixes, radioshows tracks on this site. Welcome!
What's DC++ all about?
Direct connect is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. Direct connect clients connect to a central hub and can download files directly from one another. Hubs feature a list of clients or users connected to them. Users can search for files and download them from other clients, as well as chat with other users.
For more information check out wiki article about DC++.
What's Magnet link?
The magnet URI scheme is a draft open standard defining a URI scheme for magnet links, which are mainly used to reference resources available for download via peer-to-peer networks.
For more information check out wiki article about Magnet links.
Which DC++ client should i use?
We recommend one of the following clients:
- Client
- Platform
- Site
- ApexDC++
- Windows
- http://www.apexdc.net/
- DC++
- Windows
- http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/
- FlylinkDC++
- Windows
- http://code.google.com/p/flylinkdc/
- StrongDC++
- Windows
- http://strongdc.sourceforge.net/
- LinuxDC++
- Linux, BSD
- https://launchpad.net/linuxdcpp
- EiskaltDC++
- Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD
- http://code.google.com/p/eiskaltdc/
How to register on the hub?
Use this form to register, fill in all fields.
I registered hub account but did not receive the account information via e-mail!
Please check your spam/junk-folder first, maybe the confirmation mail has been flagged as spam by mistake. Otherwise you can use this form to request your account information.
I've lost/forgot my user name or password! Can you send it to me?
Please use this form to have the hub login details mailed back to you.
How to connect/login to the hub?
How to share some files?
How to download release?